A malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of others.
Learn to Appreciate Getting Older
Published on April 2, 2004 By Everett Lee In Misc
It is a beautiful day. I am having my weekly communion. I am not a religious person, but I know how to commune with things greater than myself.

My communion is Exile on Main Street.

When I was growing up here in western Illinois there were, like today, not many choices when it came to listening to the radio. The market remains much the same as it was: dominated with 'new' country stations. The occasional modern pop station, two oldies rotations, and the rest. My tastes gravitated to classic rock.

Now to get to the point, growing up listening to classic rock I was exposed to the stalwarts of the 'genre': The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and many others, including The Rolling Stones. My first love was Metallica (I didn't mention MTV), but that turned to Pink Floyd, and then The Beatles, and then Led Zeppelin, but the Stones never got a fair listening. I just could never get past Mick's voice. "He can't sing." I heard all the singles, all the big ones, but they seemed so dated.

Then all of a sudden I got a hold of Exile and something snapped into place. "Oh my God, they are Awesome." I want to understand why the unexpected change happend. Why I was now open.

All I can say is that I grew up. I don't know why certain things appeal to some and not to others, but I know that for me I had to challenge my prejudice. Everyday you should examine the things you hate and try to figure out why. It might turn out that the decision that the kid you were made is now inoperative for the adult you are today.

Bottom Line: If you don't like The Rolling Stones, "oh man you are missing out!"

on Apr 05, 2004
Oh, Com eon! The Stones! The next thing you'll tell me is that the Beatles are good. P-shaw.