QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (with 1.0 mg) There is almost certainly an effect. Physically there is a slight dryness in the mouth, and my eyes are noticeably dilated. There is an eerie feeling overall.
(with 2.3 mg) Mood elevation at 2-3 hrs. After 3 hours, emotional effects become more pronounced, enhancement of color also. Very little distortion of perception, no disorientation, no creeping or flowing, but color enhancement considerable. The emotional content and empathy for others was closer to mescaline than to amphetamine, a welcome change. No suggestion of nausea at any time. Unable to sleep at ten hours, so I took 3/4 grain Seconal. Headache and listlessness next morning, probably due to the Seconal.
(with 3 mg) In the middle of the experience I found that I was able to separate components of complex things so as to evaluate them separately. There is no need to respect their normal purpose. The sharpness of observation is enhanced, but one can focus at every different depth of a thing or a concept. Colors are not just brighter; there are more of them. There is a profoundness of meaning inherent in anything that moves. A line of thought or a bit of personal history ties the thinker to the objects that had been thought of, or once experienced. It is this relationship that will prove productive. Not like in a movie which is circular in its totalness, but as in true life where the future is the result of your own involvement with everything about you.
(with 4 mg) The first four hours were largely directed to the body. There was a shuddering, and a tight jaw, and I am not particularly motivated to talk to anyone. It is more arousing (like amphetamine) than depressing (like phenobarb). I am feeling just a little sick at the three hour point, but a bit of regurgitation clears this up. Then at the fourth hour, it went totally outside of me. I saw the clouds towards the west. THE CLOUDS!!! No visual experience has ever been like this. The meaning of color has just changed completely, there are pulsations, and pastels are extremely pastel. And now the oranges are coming into play. It is a beautiful experience. Of all past joys, LSD, mescaline, cannabis, peyote, this ranks number one. Normally I have no color effects with mescaline. A dynamic experience. Feels good, too.
(with 5 mg) There was the magnification of light, color and odors. It was all very pleasant and beautiful, except that I had an overwhelmingly negative feeling. This at times grew to considerable intensity, and I feel it was clearly due to anger. At times the negativity disappeared completely, and I broke into the most enjoyable, even hilarious experiences. I alternated about 50-50 between joy and discomfort. As the evening drew on, I became withdrawn and pensive. It seemed clear that I had made all the wrong decisions--choice of partner, place to live, isolation, no meaningful activity. The greatest shocker was that my practice of meditation, which is one of my central focuses, and which I thought had brought me much peace and understanding, seemed to be a delusional solution to my unhappiness and isolation. The experience continued unabated throughout the night with much tension and discomfort. I was unable to get any sleep. I hallucinated quite freely during the night, but could stop them at will. While I never felt threatened, I felt I knew what it was like to look across the brink to insanity.
(with 8 mg) The very quiet development picks up speed betweeen the first and second hour. There is a rich curly-imaged eyes-closed show that interlocks closely with music. It is occasionally an off-beat fantasy and not directly knit together, and even occasionally unenjoyable. But always intense and completely appropriate to the music. There is a continuous thirst, and little urine. Napping seems OK at 16 hours, but real sleep must wait until the 20 hour point. Overall a rolling +++, and I am looking forward to a repeat some day.
(with 10 mg) If on this page I shall have expressed it to you then it is true that DOM has the glory and the doom sealed up in it. All that's needed to unseal it is to surround it with a warm living human for a few hours. For that human for those hours all the dark things are made clear.
(with 12 mg) The first awareness was at 30 minutes and it was in the tummy. The development was extremely rapid, something more like LSD than previously remembered. The body tremor feels like poisoning, there is no escaping the feeling of being disabilitated, but at least there is no nausea. This transition ended and the trauma cleared completely at about the second hour. The music was exceptional, the erotic was exceptional, the fantasy was exceptional. Listz's "A Christmas Cantata #1," part 1, with eyes closed was an experience without precedent. There were some residual effects still noted the next day. This may be a bit much for me.
Quoted from "Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story"