A malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of others.
"it's not always somebody's fault. Love fades"
Published on April 2, 2004 By Everett Lee In Personal Relationships
I recently severed my engagement. I had stopped loving her the way lovers do. She still has a firm hold on my compassion and feelings as she is my closest ally. But the glue that binds maiden to suiter was dissolved. It was a gradual attrition. Day followed day and the ties grew loose. It came to a head when she asked me last week "Do you still love me?"
"Yes. It's just different than it used to be."

That is all it takes to break a fragile heart.

We still live together and have a month to go. We have managed to initiate and sustain one of the most civil break-ups in recent memory. My heart is now free from the hypocracy of pretending to love. I feel a deep breath that I haven't been able to draw; it is invigorating.

on Apr 02, 2004
wow that's pretty horrible. I hope you know what you're doing. Lots of people think they're no longer in love when their hearts no longer flutter when they see their loved one come into the room. Maybe you fall into that category. And what does 'yes but it's not the same' mean really? It's a loaded statement that's for sure.
on Apr 02, 2004
It's good that you broke it off before it was too late of course, but this was just so sad, it broke my heart.

on Apr 02, 2004
wow that's pretty horrible. I hope you know what you're doing. Lots of people think they're no longer in love when their hearts no longer flutter when they see their loved one come into the room. Maybe you fall into that category. And what does 'yes but it's not the same' mean really? It's a loaded statement that's for sure.

I was just thinking the same thing....perhaps it's just that the "grand passion" or "honeymoon" phase has passed, and that's being mistaken for no longer being in love.

As for the "Yes, but it's not the same".....I think I'd rather hear someone tell me they no longer love me than to hear a response like that one. It just leaves too much of an opening to hope for things to work out, for the other person to eventually go back to feeling the way they did.
on Apr 02, 2004
perhaps it's just that the "grand passion" or "honeymoon" phase has passed, and that's being mistaken for no longer being in love.

Nah.....you know when you're not in love anymore. I got past the honeymoon phase years ago...and whilst my love has changed, it's still there in much the same way. It's renewed now because we're separated...but even before he left I knew it was still there.

Ev, if you dont feel it anymore, then you're doing the right thing. I think the thing that you said that was the most telling affirmation was about being able to take a deep breath. If that's what it feels like, you're better off alone.
on Apr 14, 2004
love is a word people use when they forget the realities of human interaction. love does not mean forever...let me explain... love does not neccessarily mean you can be with someone. i have loved many times in my life. when you love someone it doesn't make you compatible, or make you want the same things, or have the same world view. love alone cannot make a relationship. that is a modern myth. i have seen most of the people around me who base their relationship on "love" find that "love" isn't all they need. i don't know...i'm only human, but that's the way i see it. I know that doesn't help either party in this case...but to both parties...i love you both.